No poleg tega, se na tukajsnih plazah najde tu pa tam kaksno stevilo "modrih steklenick" ali tako imenovanih Blue Bottle Jelly fish. In seveda, ko se zopet zelis informirati pri avstralcih, kako je kaj s temi zivalcami, dobis odgovor nazaj:
A: Yeah, well. they just stung you, so you got paralized, or even get a hart attack, basicly you can't breath for 15-30 minutes. It depends how alergic are you. But you know, all beaches has life guard. So, if you get stung just wave your hand, Life guard will see you and he'll wave back at you..
B: Thanks...
A: No worries. mate..
A: Yeah, well. they just stung you, so you got paralized, or even get a hart attack, basicly you can't breath for 15-30 minutes. It depends how alergic are you. But you know, all beaches has life guard. So, if you get stung just wave your hand, Life guard will see you and he'll wave back at you..
B: Thanks...
A: No worries. mate..
hej :) lahko bi si vsaj spedenal nove broard shortse ali lycro ce si ze sel v Avstralijo :) tko navs zene domov pripeljal hihi hecam te mal sej ves :) Lp, marja
No, da te nebom samo kregala. Super ti gre blog in super se mam ko ga berem, tisto kako si lahko vesel da si sel koncno v Av pa ze ves... Papa
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